PRESS RELEASE, the brand-new website of performer, educator, music journalist, and Editor-in-Chief of Guitar International Magazine, Dr. Matt Warnock, was launched on June 5th. The site is a wealth of guitar-related information, resources, and news providing guitarists of any skill level with the tools to succeed.
Although he, like so many others, got his start with music early on with piano lessons, Dr. Matthew Warnock started playing the guitar at the age of 12 and has never looked back. With training in both classical and jazz, he is a well-rounded, virtuosic player and an outstanding teacher. Warnock has been teaching guitar to students of all levels since 1998, and has established himself as an innovative jazz pedagogue while teaching at the Montreal Academy of Music, Western Michigan University, University of Illinois, Interlochen Summer Arts Camp, and Western Illinois University, where he built the guitar program from scratch, fostering an environment of support, friendship, collaboration and dedication to music.
Throughout his teaching career, Warnock has played out constantly, performing with the likes of Stefon Harris, Slide Hampton, Roddy Elias, Jim McNeely, and Randy Brecker. Anyone who is interested in catching Matt in concert can check out the Gigs page, where his busy performance schedule is chronicled. All of the gigs with all of the groups Warnock plays are there, including the Blue Drop Quartet, Duo EmeAgá, his Matt Warnock Trio, workshops, and duos with Rafael Goncalves and guitar virtuoso Tabajara Belo
The most valuable spots, however, on are the Guitar Lessons and Guitar Resources pages. Matt posts approximately two lessons per week on topics that vary from physical technique to jazz improvisation, and they are all available free of charge. His most recent lessons cover practicing rhythmic variation and melodic accents while improvising and using extended arpeggios via chordal pairing to come up with melodic ideas. While these concepts may sound complicated, Warnock does a great job of breaking the lessons down into easy-to-follow steps that are quickly applicable to actual music, not just exercises.
Under Guitar Resources, players can find almost any information, scale/mode/arpeggio fingering, or chord diagram they need. From an A Major scale to a Mixolydian b2 mode to Drop 2 Chords, all are available for free and are prefaced with an explanation of the item in question and a bit on how to apply it to a performance
Matt Warnock updates his site often, so keep your eyes and ears alert so you can take advantage of the resources and tools he provides for free to the guitar-playing public.