Here is some stuff I've been digging lately:
John Czajkowski and Marco Minnemann - West ZooOpolis
Czajkowski's contribution to Minnemann's Normalizer 2 project. An amazing piece of work. Highly textured with great melodies and playing.
Alex Machacek featuring Marco Minnemann - 24 Tales (review)
This is Machacek's contribution to Minnemann's above-mentioned project. Remarkable stuff. Look for an interview with Machacek soon.
Great throwback fusion. Guests include Jimmy Herring, David Gilmore, Stanley Clarke and Victor Bailey.
Kurt Rosenwinkel - The Remedy - Live At The Village Vanguard
This one is a couple of years old but I've been listening to it a lot lately. Rosenwinkel is a phenomenal straight-ahead player. Incredible recording.
Lost Tribe (self-titled)
This is long out-of-print but you can find it on eBay. Lost Tribe was a fantastic New York fusion band that featured Adam Rogers and David Gilmore on guitars (who normally play straight-ahead jazz). This is their self-titled debut from 1993 which was produced by Walter Becker. Their follow-up Soulfish is great too.