Good news! I have expanded the Guitar Channel stream from 3 80kbps slots to 12 96kbps slots! It's running as of 5:30am Central, so check it out. Also, if you listen to the stream, please let me know how it sounds. I'd like some feedback so I know that it's working properly (FYI - it's running on port 8058, which may be blocked by some corporate firewalls. When I had 3 slots, it was on port 8000). The stream is free to listen to, but PayPal donations would be greatly appreciated if anyone wants to help the cause. My donation button is in the lower left corner of the site.
NOTE: even though I have more slots now, I still can't have people connecting to 2 slots at once. Having 12 slots is a lot better than 3, but it's still a small number. 12 slots can fill up pretty fast. If there are multiple people using 2 slots at once, it's not fair to the other people who want to listen.
Also, my home internet connection was down most of the day yesterday. It came back on by itself last night, but I can't say for sure that it will stay on. So, the new and improved stream is now up, but it might go down if my connection dies again. I'll try to update everyone as best I can.