Good news for all you Guitar Channel fans out there. I've upgraded the stream from 2 64kbps mono slots to 3 80kbps stereo slots. (I tried 3 96kbps slots, but some people had clipping issues). This should sound better, and having a third slot available will be nice. If you've listened in the past, give it a listen and let me know if you notice a difference in the quality.
My upload bandwidth has increased recently, and from the tests I've run, I'm pretty sure I have the headroom to handle this upgrade. I will need your help though. If anyone out there hears any clipping or drop-outs when you are listening to the stream, please email me or leave a comment here and let me know. This is very important. Without your feedback, I won't know if it's sounding crappy. If you can tell me the date and time you heard the clipping, that would be helpful too. Hopefully, no one will have that problem anyway.
Thanks and enjoy!